Sunday, February 14, 2016

active Gp Super FnF in Bondhu package, Change or Delete FnF numbers

How To Set Super FNF In Grameenphone Bondhu Package

how to change gp fnf super fnf
You can activate one GP number as a Super F&F. Those super F&F applicable only for Bondhu and Xplore Package.

Follow the steps to activate Grameenphone Super FnF

Super FnF Activate process:
1. Go to mobile SMS option
2.Type SF Mobile Number (Which number you want to add in your super FnF number)
3. Send it to 2800 number.

Super FnF Change process:
1. Go to mobile SMS option
2.Type SFc Old NumberNew Number 
3.And Send it to 2800 number.

Super FnF Delete process:
1. Delete current Super FnF first. Type DCurrent Super F&F 
2. And send SMS to 2800.
3. Then activate New Super FnF.

How to Add ,Change, Delete, Check Grameenphone FnF
Grameenphone BONDHU prepaid package with 1 Super